Disable two-step verification from Telegram

Learn how to disable two-step verification from Telegram



You can deactivate Telegram’s two-step verification; (two-step verification) at any time. Meanwhile article; that is to say we will teach you how to disable Telegram 2-step verification. So stay with telegram member and disable two-step verification from Telegram.

Disable two-step verification from Telegram

How to increase the security of Telegram

One of the most important things after creating a Telegram account is the issue of account security; because you have to protect your account information and data; and that is to say; you may want to create a Telegram channel and grow your business. In this case; so you should be careful about your account; because if someone can hack your account; he can also access the channels and groups you have created. In this section, we will teach you how to protect your telegram with methods. Do it quite simply. Using the following options; so you can increase security in Telegram.



Telegram security promotion methods

In the same vein security is definitely one of the most sensitive topics in the world of internet and software; which is very important and you may even remember hackers for a moment. but do not worry. That is to say; In recent years; programs have become commonplace that guarantee the security of the user to some extent.

With at least 50 million new monthly users; Telegram has long thought of a solution. Methods that; so according to research and statistics; have really answered users’ problems. We will show you all the important; and useful features and we will tell you in what ways; so you can increase the security of Telegram and prevent it from being hack.

That is to say; we will tell you about some important and excellent features that increase security in the Telegram application; and prevent you from being hack.


Introduction to disabling Telegram 2-step verification

That is to say; two-step verification is one of the security features of Telegram; which increases the security factor and enhances users’ privacy. Earlier; on the other hand; in the article “Forgot two-step verification Telegram” we learned how to enable this feature; but how do you think we can disable this feature for our Telegram account?

This feature can be easily disable and in this article we want to teach you how to do it. If you need more information about any of the sections and steps described; that is to say you can contact our mobile phone experts through the available numbers; and ask them for more detailed instructions. Stay in touch with telegram member.

How to disable two-step verification in Telegram

So to disable the two-step verification feature in Telegram; it is enough to do the following:


  • Firstly launch the Telegram app.
  • Touch the three-line icon; in the upper left corner of the screen; to bring up the main Telegram menu.
  • Select the Settings option.
  • Touch the Privacy and Security option.
  • Select the 2-Step Verification option.
  • enter your password.
  • Touch the selection icon; in the upper right corner of the screen.
  • Select the Turn off password option.
  • In the popup that appears; select OK.


That is to say; Telegram’s 2-step verification will simply be disable. So we recommend that you avoid; disabling this security feature as much as possible; and in the same vein make sure you use it so that no one can easily sign into your account.


Read more: Forgot two-step verification Telegram



In conclusion; during article; we taught how to disable Telegram 2-step verification. If you need more information about any of the sections; and steps described; in other words you can contact telegram member and ask us for more detailed instructions.

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