Telegram Voice Call Tone

How to change Telegram Voice Call Tone



Telegram voice call tone

You can change your Telegram voice call ringtone. It’s easy to do. In this article, we will learn how to change the Telegram voice call tone . Stay with telegram member.


Introduction to changing the Telegram voice call tone

After that Telegram recently added the ability to make voice calls to its messaging app. For more information on this issue, use the article “It is officially possible to make a chat and a voice call on Telegram”. But did you know that you can change your Telegram voice call ringtone?

In this article, we will learn how to change the audio ringtone in Telegram. If you need further clarifications on any of the sections and steps described, you can contact our mobile phone experts through the available numbers and ask them for more detailed instructions. So stay with telegram member.


How to change the tone of a Telegram voice call

To change the ringtone of Telegram voice calls, it is enough to do the following:

Launch Telegram.
Touch the three-line icon in the upper left corner of the screen to display the main Telegram menu.
Select the Settings option.
Select the Notifications and Sounds option.
In the section called Voice calls, select the ringtone option.
Choose the desired ringtone or alarm sound from the list.
Touch OK option.

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In this simple way, during you can change your Telegram voice call ringtone. If you wish, you can even disable the sound alert when you receive a voice call from Telegram. In other words it is sufficient to act as follows:

Launch Telegram.
Touch the three-line icon in the upper left corner of the screen to display the main Telegram menu.
Select the Settings option.
Select the Notifications and Sounds option.
In the section called Voice calls, select the ringtone option.
You must select None in the provided list.
Touch OK option.
So by following the above steps, so no ringtone or warning sound will be provided while receiving Telegram voice message.



In conclusion, in this article, we have learned how to change your Telegram voice call ringtone. We also explained how to disable the voice message warning sound in Telegram. If you need further clarifications on any of the sections and steps described, so you can contact telegram member experts through the available numbers and ask them for more detailed instructions.

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