Finding my our telegram link

Perhaps this question has also been raised in your mind how can we find our own telegram link? It’s very easy to do, but some people may still not know how to do it. In the following article, we intend to teach you how to find our telegram link. Stay with us.


Finding my own telegram or our link:

There are several ways to share the telegram account. Telegram users, in addition to having a number, can communicate with each other by having an ID and a telegram link.

You do not need to have a phone number for the other party to post in telegram and conduct a conversation. You can also send messages with an ID or a telegram account link.


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How can we find our telegram link?

For example, imagine you’re going to tell someone in telegram, but you do not want to give him your number! In this case, you must provide your own telegram link. We will continue to teach you how to find our own telegram link.



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What is our telegram link?

First, you may want to use your own telegram link for various reasons. For example, suppose a certain person is to be sent via telegram to you and you do not like to have a call number. In this situation, by providing your own telegram link to him, that person can telegram you and your number.

Second, our telegram link relates to sharing that link for other people to quickly access our account. Imagine, for example, that you plan to insert your own telegram link on the (Bio) Instagram page so that other people can communicate with you via telegram. In general, there are a lot of different conditions that you may have to do with your own telegram communication.


How to find our telegram link?

In order for your telegram account to have links, be sure to create a user account for your account. So, as long as your telegram account is not usable, finding your own telegram link does not matter. If you do not have an account, follow these steps to create your own account:


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How to find our own telegram link:

Run the telegram program.

Go to the Settings menu.

In the (info) section, touch the option (Username).

Now in the specified field, enter a username for your account. Note that this usage should not be repeated.



After that, touch the checkmate icon on the top right of the screen to register your account for your telegram account.

Now that you have an iPhone or telegram, you can easily find your own telegram link. Your telegram link is displayed exactly below the description of the same page.


How do I find my telegram link?

Another way is to:

Enter telegram and enter the “Settings” section.

In the (info) section, select (Username).

Below the description of this page, the blue link is attached. This link is your telegram link. Anyone who has this link can send you a telegram without a call number.



So, our telegram link is just as simple as that. If we want to describe ourselves as a telegram in our general rule, then the telegram link for each account is as follows:

The “username” is the same as the user’s telegram.



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As you can see in this article, we learned how to find our telegram link. By studying these materials, you can always use telegram in complete security.

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