introduction to the removal Telegram Advertising

introduction to the removal Telegram Advertising:

we use some of us in any way to earn money and Telegram Advertising. Advertising on telegram is possible in many ways and in most cases leads to users’ dissatisfaction. But is it possible to block or remove ads in the telegram?



You can read: Buy real telegram member

Fortunately, there are some ways that you can use them to prevent some of the advertisements in the telegram. we intend to talk more precisely about blocking or removing Telegram Advertising. Stay with us.

Telegram Advertising by unwanted invitation:

One of the most common types of Telegram Advertising involves unwanted invitations by users to various groups and channels.

Add Unfortunately, this can be very annoying in some situations. But did you know that you can prevent this problem by applying certain settings?


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Telegram Advertising Removal Training:

What you need to do to prevent unwanted invitations to telegram groups is:

Run the Telegram program and enter the “Settings” section.

Select the (Privacy and Security) option.

after that (Groups) option.

Select option “My Contacts” at the top of the screen so no other stranger can add you to the groups.

But with the settings you’ve just created, only people who are not in your contact list will not be able to invite you to the telegram groups, and all people in your contacts list can still do that! To avoid this, follow these steps:

Select the (Never Allow) option from the bottom of the page in the same menu as the Privacy and Security menu and after selecting My Contacts.

Now, select all your contacts and touch the check mark icon on the top right and the top of the screen.

From now on, no user can automatically add you to a telegram group.


Strange problem in Telegram Advertising:

But in some circumstances another weird happen! Many users point out that their phone is viral and automatically run the telegram and displays a membership link to a particular channel or group!

For example, the user pointed out that each time (unlock) the screen of the phone, it automatically checks the program of the telegram and displays the invitation link to a particular group or channel!

But what is the reason for this?

The reason for this problem is Telegram Advertising, which this time through another malicious program. In this case, a malicious program has been installed on your phone that you may have downloaded from entrusted source.

The malicious code is scheduled to run as soon as you unlock the phone or automatically run the program every few minutes, and invite you to a specific channel or group.

It’s interesting to know that a malicious app developer receives money from a channel or group of target telegrams and does some kind of advertising for that.


But fortunately, by solving this malicious program, you can solve the problem and successfully remove Telegram Advertising.

For more help on how to do this, use the article “Prevent the automatic opening of the telegram ” on our site.